We recommend the following guidelines for conducting a training process be designed to enable participating departments to enhance your present core competency oriented culture:

  1. Top Down Training — We involve the executive team in the design, reinforcement and utilization of all aspects of training and the implementation process. In addition, we recommend training and coaching as a top priority most especially in the early part of delivering this project. This will assure the necessary buy-in and ownership of the underpinnings of the project, prepare them to model the appropriate behavior for their fellow employees and enable them to reinforce the skills and principles being taught in the program by using sound management skills, tools and strategies.
  2. Customization — It has been our experience that retention and application of the skills, principles, strategies and tools taught in any training program are increased significantly when the process is customized to include mastery of product knowledge and the corresponding benefit to the customer as an integral part of the curriculum. Also the use of case studies that reflect real world market conditions, and building and implementing the tools and forms that are a normal part of participants’ daily work life is vital. We, therefore, recommend that all training, coaching, rewards, performance incentives, testing and other support aids be reviewed and custom-built into the training programs participants attend.
  3. Structured Implementation Time Frame — We recommend delivery of programs in a concentrated time frame. This will enable you to create the strong momentum necessary to effect the behavioral and organizational change you desire at your company, and to function with even greater strength as a company that is known for high responsiveness within all departments with both the internal and external customer. We will work with you to develop a time frame that works best for you.
  4. “Hands-on” Personal Touch Approach — we strongly believe in the power of a “hands-on” personal touch when facilitating the culture change process. We realize that as an organization you are committed to the ideals of personal service and long term customer loyalty. By exemplifying these same ideals in the training programs we have found greater transference and adaptation of these attitudes by the employee population. You will benefit from both an organizational viewpoint and an individual employee perspective through using this approach. Specifically, a long term business relationship that provides the all important human element of individualized personal coaching and counsel in an atmosphere that structures group dynamics to be highly interactive and takes advantage of the “group wisdom” has greater impact than non-interactive training programs. We have found culture change requires a well structured program that provides “high touch” as well as “high tech”.

In summary, throughout our years of consulting we have found our four phase approach to be a most effective factor in helping organizations change from operations driven culture to a relationship building / loyally oriented culture. We have long term relationships with our clients because of the consultative stance we take to assure the continued application of the skills learned in our programs. We encourage continual conversation and feedback- part of the value added, to take advantage of the executive council service we offer as part of our Utilization and Follow-Up Phase.